Etron Circuit Labs in the news…

This page offers a quick glimpse into different opportunties ETron Circuit Labs has had to connect with different organizations. Links are provided to interviews, podcasts, and other events that we’ve taken part in.

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Teach Them Diligently Podcast

Leslie Nunnery interviews ETron Circuit Labs President Jason J Lukawitz, discussing how imagination and electronics collide at the STEM intersection of education.

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CityCurrent Interview with Jeremy Park

CityCurrent CEO Jeremy Park interviews ETron Circuit Labs President Jason J Lukawitz discussing how STEM Based Electronics curriculum can open up the hearts, minds, and imaginations of todays student.

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Business Talk Radio Interview with Louie Michaelson

Business Talk Radio host Louie Michaelson interview ETron Circuit Labs President Jason J Lukawitz discussing how learning electronics creates opportunities for students to change the world.